100% Carbon Neutral Certified for the 4th consecutive year

PT Mowilex has announced the company’s fourth consecutive year of CarbonNeutral® certification. The company achieved this by purchasing offsets to account for its emissions, based on an assessment of Scope 1, 2 and a Scope 3 evaluation that follows The CarbonNeutral Protocol .In the last four years, the company has embarked on efficiency initiatives that reduced air conditioner power use, deployed efficient lighting systems, converted various diesel-powered equipment to electric-powered equipment, and insulated several buildings to reduce energy use. Mowilex is helping Indonesia reach target net zero carbon by 2060.

Support Philippines Burgos Wind Project to Generate Clean Electricity

The Burgos Wind Project is the largest wind farm in the Philippines. It was also considered to be one of the largest wind farms in South East Asia. It is located in one of the best areas in the country to generate clean energy from wind. The 150-MW facility has fifty (50) Vestas V90 wind turbines, each with a rated capacity of 3 MWs.

Support Thailand-Ratchaburi Farms Biogas Project to Generate Clean Electricity

This biogas project is located at Pak Thor District, Ratchaburi Province, Thailand. The project consists of a high-rate continuous flow closed anaerobic treatment reactor to treat the barn flushing effluents produced by SPM’s swine rearing operations. The captured biogas is used as fuel in two units of gas engines to generate electricity for use in the farm. The generated electricity displaced the power that was previously imported from the national electricity grid. This project results in the reduction of GHG emissions through avoidance of methane from the conventional open lagoon system and displacement of electricity from the national grid.

Mowilex permanently reduces its carbon footprint with Major Solar Investment

Mowilex started to install solar panels at its headquarters. A new parking lot solar canopy now captures sunlight while shading cars. The system produces the maximum energy output allowed by current state electric company regulations and will cut Mowilex’s carbon emissions at that facility by up to 30%. Transitioning from fossil fuels to renewable solar energy reduces Mowilex’s carbon footprint without carbon offsets. This carbon insetting process underscores Mowilex’s commitment to environmental leadership.