100% Carbon Neutral Certified for the 3rd consecutive year

PT Mowilex has announced the company’s third consecutive year of CarbonNeutral® certification, once again reaching net zero carbon emissions. The company achieved this by purchasing offsets to account for its emissions, based on an assessment of Scope 1, 2 and a Scope 3 evaluation that follows The CarbonNeutral Protocol . In the last three years, the company has embarked on efficiency initiatives that reduced air conditioner power use, deployed efficient lighting systems, converted various diesel-powered equipment to electric-powered equipment, and insulated several buildings to reduce energy use. PT Mowilex will also commission a new manufacturing facility in the first quarter of 2022, which is expected to reduce CO2 emissions from its main manufacturing and logistics operations by an estimated 7%.

Helps to prevent the release of 447,110,760 tonnes of carbon in Mentaya Katingan Project

Over 90% of the carbon in the Katingan Mentaya Project is in the underlying peat soils. The area was under threat of conversion to an industrial acacia plantation. This would have resulted in the release of carbon through forest clearance, draining and burning of the underlying peat. Through performance-based carbon financing, we offer a viable alternative to conversion, preventing the release of greenhouse gases equivalent to 447, 110, 760 tonnes of carbon dioxide over 60 years. That makes it the world’s largest forest-based avoided emissions project, with a total climate impact equivalent to the annual emissions of France.

Helps to Protect 65,000 Ha of Rimba Raya Project

Based on the Indonesian island of Borneo, known regionally as Kalimantan, Biodiversity Reserve is home to carbon-dense tropical peat swamps that house 105,000 endangered Bornean orangutans and other threatened species.
By directing offset funds to the island, PT Mowilex is helping to save 65,000 hectares of forest once slated to become oil palm plantations. The preservation work also enhances health care, food security, fire safety and educational opportunities for 2,500 households on the island.

Supporting Turkey’s decarbonisation by enhancing renewable energy capacity

Turkey is still heavily reliant on natural gas and oil, and imports for its energy supply. Less than 10% of its electricity supply currently comes from wind. Since 2002 Turkey has seen an annual growth rate in electricity demand of 5.5% and energy use is expected to increase by 50% over the next decade, caused by significant population growth, economic development and increasing urbanisation. This portfolio of projects supply renewable power from wind directly into the grid. Across the portfolio, more than 120 wind turbines have been installed generating approximately 575,000 MWh of clean electricity every year.