2020 marks our second year as a CarbonNeutral certified company. Based on the GHG emissions of the previous year, Mowilex expanded the energy conservation efforts across 11 of its locations with updated lighting, replaced cooling equipment, and other programs. 

This period of GHG calculations marks the first time we incorporate Scope 3 – Indirect emissions to our calculation framework. With this change, we calculate the emissions from our transportation of production goods and distribution of products, business travel, energy loss, and waste generated.  

Naturally, this means that our total GHG emissions drastically increased from the previous year that only incorporated Scope 1 & 2. To offset this emissions, we went to support Rimba Raya REDD+ project that addresses biodiversity conservation and local communities.  

Based on the Indonesian island of Borneo, known regionally as Kalimantan, the Rimba Raya Biodiversity Reserve is home to carbon-dense tropical peat swamps that house 105,000 endangered Bornean orangutans and other threatened species. By directing offset funds to the island, PT Mowilex is helping to save 65,000 hectares of forest once slated to become oil palm plantations. The preservation work also enhances health care, food security, fire safety and educational opportunities for 2,500 households on the island. 

2023 update: Considering recent events, we recognize the complexities surrounding the standard and government licensing associated with the Rimba Raya project. While our investment in Rimba Raya was motivated by its alignment with causes important to our company, we acknowledge the evolving landscape of environmental and climate action initiatives. Moving forward, we commit to conducting thorough reviews of potential offset projects, ensuring adherence to internationally accepted standards, and avoiding involvement in disputed offset projects.